

-Preseason rankings for 2011 are out from various sources:

#8- D1 Coaches Poll (behind ND and in front of Cornell) http://insidelacrosse.com/news/2010/11/30/face-yearbook-2011-division-i-coaches-poll

#10- LaxNews (behind Duke and in front of Army) http://laxnews.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=456

#8- Face-off Yearbook (behind ND and in front of Hofstra) http://insidelacrosse.com/news/2010/11/29/face-yearbook-2011-division-i-top-20-rankings

-Karen Mitchell at Wordpress put together a bio of Coach Rick Sowell, detailing his career and recent successes at SB. http://pseudoscholar.wordpress.com/2010/05/24/who-is-this-rick-sowell-and-what-can-he-do-for-lacrosse/

At Washington College, Coach Rick Sowell was named 1985 Division III National Midfielder of the Year, a North-South All Star, a two time All America, team captain, WCAC Best Athlete, and was awarded the Dr. Charles B. Clark MVP award. He lead the Shoremen to two appearances in the National Championship game before becoming a three-time All Pro with the MLL's Baltimore Thunder.

SB Athletics has more news, video, and updates here:

SB Radio: http://wusb.fm/

SB Radio Blog: sbradiosports.blogspot.com/

SB Athletics Blog: wolfieseawolf.blogspot.com/search/label/SBU%20Lacrosse

YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/stonybrookseawolves#g/a

SBU Admissions posted a video interview with Chris Gignilliat '10 on what he loves about SB and his favorite place on campus, LaValle Stadium. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbrsoL5b_eo

Chris Gignilliat '10 started 57 games in his career at SB, garnering America East honors in 2006 and 2009.

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