

-Eddie Timanus of the Tucson Citizen wrote an article about SB Lacrosse and the high expectations for 2011: http://tucsoncitizen.com/usa-today-sports/2011/02/23/stony-brook-starts-lacrosse-season-with-high-hopes/

-Brian Heyman of the NY Times published an article featuring SB Lacrosse, including the Canadian pipeline that has brought the team so much success in recent years. The story covers how Kevin Crowley '11 and Jordan McBride '11 came to SB, and comes complete with interviews and a photo: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/26/sports/26lacrosse.html

(if link does not work, go here: http://www.google.com/search?sclient=psy&hl=en&q=ny+time+stony+brook+lacrosse&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&pbx=1&cad=cbv)

Kevin Crowley '11 registered 4G, 3A against Virginia in his first collegiate game in 2008.

-The Baltimore Sun put together a preview of the upcoming SB/Virginia game: http://weblogs.baltimoresun.com/sports/lacrosse/blog/2011/02/another_rematch_from_last_year.html

-SB Athletics put together a preseason video of the starting lineup and contributors for SB Lacrosse at each position. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYsjuGpbaQQ&feature=player_profilepage

Also see here for the SB Athletics official pregame release (includes info on radio/web): http://www.goseawolves.org/sports/m-lacros/spec-rel/022511aac.html

-Quint Kessenich of Inside Lacrosse also previewed the SB/Virginia game, stating that the contest will feature the two best midfields in the game. http://insidelacrosse.com/news/2011/02/25/quint-kessenich-what-watch-feb-25

Midfielder Timmy Trenkle '11 registered 1G, 1A against #1 Virginia in the 2010 NCAA Quarterfinals.

-Jon Tompkins '02 and his wife Michelle gave birth to Bryce Joseph Tompkins on 2/22/11. Congratulations JT!

"Crazy" Phil Archabald '02 announced his engagement to Kristen MacNeil. Crazy Phil will be tying the knot on July 2, 2011. Congratulations Phil!

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