

-The 2011 Annual Odd/Even Alumni Game is approaching. Please email the webmaster if you are playing, if you havent already. http://sbulacrosse.blogspot.com/2011/03/newsletter-16mar11.html

Jordan Gibbons of the SB Independent reported on SB's victory over UMBC last week. The article pictured Brett Drost '11, who registered an assist in the game. http://www.sbindependent.org/node/5262

America East reported on SB taking first place in the conference, including a photo of Robbie Campbell '12: http://www.americaeast.com/ViewArticle.dbml?SPSID=59672&SPID=6539&DB_LANG=C&ATCLID=205133346&DB_OEM_ID=14000

Vincent Barone of the SB Press reports on current construction in the SB Athletic Department, including the renovation of the SB Arena, the new Track & Field Facility, and Joe Nathan Field. http://www.sbpress.com/2011/03/31/the-renovation-of-swagger/

-In other construction news, last fall SB completed
Nobel Hall & Yang Hall, which include a 600 bed dormitory and activity center. The eco-friendly buildings exist where the Roosevelt Cafeteria used to be. See here for pictures: http://www.stonybrook.edu/sustainability/green-map/details/nobel-halls.shtml

-Yang Hall is dedicated to former SB professor CN Yang, a Nobel Prize winning physicist who founded SB's Institute for Theoretical Physics.

The new construction is SB's first LEED-Certified structure, characterized by open spaces, natural lighting, energy-efficient features, and eco-friendly materials.

-Nobel Hall contains over 175,000 square feet of living space and activity centers for students. It also includes a cafe, lounges, and meeting spaces.

Go here for more details and photos: http://www.illuminationarts.com/SUNY_Stony_Brook.html

Or here: http://www.stonybrook.edu/facilities/projects/completed/main_campus/?nobel_halls

Also included in the new construction is the Center for Global Studies and Human Development.

Tom Rock of Newsday reported on SB defeating Binghamton last Saturday. The article includes a photo Kevin Crowley '11. http://sbradiosports.blogspot.com/2011/04/3-each-for-mcbride-crowley-in-13-6-sbu.html

Weekly Polls are out:
(#14) Coaches Poll (behind Penn, in front of Massachusetts)
(#13) AP Poll (behind Bucknell, in front of Yale)
(#13) Quint Kessenich (behind Hofstra, in front of Colgate)
(#14) LP Forum (behind Penn, in front of Army)

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