

-The 2011 Annual Odd/Even Alumni Game was a success again this year, raising over $15,000 for the program. Over 200 friends, family, and alums showed up in support of the program. Very special thanks to Rob Emmerich for administering the entire event.

-Steven Marcus of Newsday ran an article featuring Russ Bonanno '12 and the path that brought him to SB, including transferring high schools and also transferring in college. The article also pictures Bonanno. http://www.newsday.com/sports/columnists/steven-marcus/college-lacrosse-insider-mercy-could-make-case-1.2840867

Newsday predicts Russ Bonanno '12 will assume an even larger role in SB's offense in 2012.

America East named Jordan McBride '11 the AE Player of the Week: http://www.americaeast.com/ViewArticle.dbml?DB_OEM_ID=14000&ATCLID=205142742

Brett Mauser of the Three Village Patch reported that SB could clinch the AE Regular Season Title with a win against Albany, which eventually resulted in a 23-11 victory for SB. The article mentions the integral role played by defenseman Kyle Moeller '12 and features multiple photos.

In his first season with SB, Kyle Moeller '12 leads the team in caused turnovers.

-The America East is polling the fans for the Player of the Year Award. You can vote for Kevin Crowley '11 or Adam Rand '11 here: http://www.americaeast.com//quest/Questionaire.dbml?&QID=107312&DB_OEM_ID=14000

Adam Newman of the Three Village Patch ran an article featuring Adam Rand '11, including extensive interviews of Rand's faceoff technique and his successes: http://threevillage.patch.com/articles/seawolves-rand-in-lacrosse-face-offs-are-like-chess

Adam Rand '11 is a 1st Team Preseason All America and a Tewaaraton Candidate.

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