

-John Jiloty of Inside Lacrosse reports on Jim Nagle of Colgate University accepting the head coaching position for SB Lacrosse. http://insidelacrosse.com/news/2011/06/18/breaking-sources-saying-colgates-jim-nagle-will-take-stony-brook-opening

Ward Melville graduate Jim Nagle accepts the head coaching position at SB Lacrosse after 11 years at Colgate University.

SB Athletics published the official news release here: http://www.goseawolves.org/sports/m-lacros/spec-rel/062011aaa.html

Newsday coverage here: http://sbradiosports.blogspot.com/2011/06/presser-tuesdaynagle-and-spallina-will.html

Matt DaSilva of Laxmagazine covered the story here: http://www.laxmagazine.com/blogs/author/dasilva/06.20.2011_at_9.41_a.m._by_Matt_DaSilva

Jim Nagle completed his career at Colgate by defeating national runner up Maryland by a score of 10-8 and a #12 ranking.

-SB Women's Lacrosse has hired Adelphi head coach Joe Spallina: http://insidelacrosse.com/news/2011/06/15/womens-lacrosse-joe-spallina-named-head-coach-stony-brook

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