

-The Organization welcomes newly found alums who have been added to its membership, Rich Stanton '84, Avi Mosden '87, and Matt Vainder '86.

Membership is up to 192 total alums, dating back to 1978 graduates through 2011.

Steve Belanger of Men's Health visited SB Lacrosse last May at LaValle Stadium to do a study on the physicality of the sport and the mechanics of shooting. Belanger suited up as a goalie and provided video and an article at Men's Health here: http://blogs.menshealth.com/belanger-experiment/2011/05/13/lacrosse-challenge/

Click on the image above to see video of SB Lacrosse suiting up Steve Belanger for a shooting gallery at LaValle Stadium.

Belanger was surprised at the size of the athletes and their shooting prowess. Click on the image above to see video of Belanger in the cage.

-Inside Lacrosse published a third Player Blog with Kevin Crowley '11, detailing his busy month of August while playing in the WLA on the west coast and the MLL playoffs on the east coast: http://insidelacrosse.com/news/2011/08/12/player-blogs-busy-august-kevin-crowley

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