

-Graeme Perrow of IL Indoor published his regular column entitled Money Ballers, in which both Rhys Duch '08 and Kevin Crowley '11 are currently in the top 12 NLL scorers: http://www.ilindoor.com/2012/04/02/money-ballers-grant-jr-regains-overall-lead-as-billings-is-tops-for-the-weekly-standings/

-Bob Chavez of IL Indoor reported on the progress of NLL Rookies, covering the return of Jordan McBride '11 to the Colorado Mammoth after injury. McBride scored 1G, 1A in the victory over the Washington Stealth:

Jordan McBride '11
has registered 6G, 5A in 8 games as an NLL rookie.

-Bob Chavez of IL Indoor reported on Rhys Duch '08 scoring 4G, 6A against Minnesota:

Duch also registered 5G, 9A against Edmonton the same week.

-Stephen Stamp of IL Indoor listed his NLL Stars of the Week, including Rhys Duch '08 for his outpouring of 11G, 15A in only two contests: http://www.ilindoor.com/2012/03/27/nll-3-stars-week-12/

Rhys Duch '08 has totalled 24G, 33A in only 11 contests this year.

-Paul Stewart of IL Indoor published his Mailbag column, asking who would be the NLL player to build your team around. Stewart named both Kevin Crowley '11 and Rhys Duch '08.

Stewart referred to Rhys Duch '08 as "the best player in the NLL... a great defender and very quietly one of the fastest players in the league."

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