

-The Washington Stealth reported on Rhys Duch '08 volunteering at the Northwest Harvest Food Bank in Seattle, WA, and in British Columbia, Canada. Duch volunteered to help sort and distribute food to those in need. http://www.stealthlax.com/news_article/show/144563?referrer_id=413927

Rhys Duch '08 helps sort and distribute food for the Northwest Harvest Food Bank.

-Stephen Stamp of IL Indoor also covered the volunteer effort here, including a picture of Rhys Duch '08: http://www.ilindoor.com/2012/04/17/is-the-crossover-playoff-system-fair-can-the-stealth-get-in-plus-the-links/

The event kicked off a week-long food drive hosted by the Washington Stealth.

2009 NLL Rookie of the Year Rhys Duch '08 volunteering to feed those in need. The food bank feeds over 30,000 people per month.

You can also find video of the Washington Stealth's efforts here: http://www.stealthlax.com/news_article/show/144832?referrer_id=429768

Click on the image above to see video of the Washington Stealth volunteering for the Northwest Harvest Food Bank.

Rhys Duch '08 is an NLL All Star and also will be playing in the MLL this summer for the Hamilton Nationals.

Rhys Duch '08 is consistently amongst the top point scorers in the NLL every year.

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