

-SB Radio Sports reported on the opening of the Dubin Family Athletic Center. Lacrosse and football alumnus Dr. Glenn Dubin '78 and his wife Eva donated $4.3 million to build the world-class strength & conditioning center:

Dr. Glenn Dubin '78 and his family open the Dubin Family Athletic Center, as SB President Samuel L. Stanley, Jr. MD (left) and Director of Athletics Jim Fiore (right) look on.

Steven Marcus of Newsday interviewed Dubin, who stated: "
It's about time Division I athletes had a Division I performance center. I'm overwhelmed, it's a very impressive center, really beautiful". http://www.newsday.com/sports/college/stony-brook/stony-brook-athletes-to-benefit-from-dubin-s-philanthropy-1.3766335

Newsday has also posted photos of the opening ceremony here: http://www.newsday.com/sports/college/stony-brook/new-athletic-center-opens-at-stony-brook-1.3766298#1

The Dubin Family Athletic Center is an 8,000-square foot cutting-edge strength & conditioning center, with state-of-the-art audio visual systems, a plyometrics gym, a nutritional food court, offices, storage, and an outdoor patio area.

Dubin has been an active with SB Athletics, frequently appearing at sporting events. Dubin previously donated $1 million to SB in 2005 to create the Glenn Dubin Endowed Scholarship Fund.

SB Athletics posted a photo gallery of the ceremony and the interior here: http://www.goseawolves.org/view.gal?id=120913

Dr. Glenn Dubin '78 speaks at the opening of the Dubin Family Athletic Center. Dubin was also honored as the Keynote Speaker at graduation for the SB Class of 2012.

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