

-Herb Garbutt of Inside Halton interviewed incoming midfielder Jay Lindsay '16 on representing Canada in the U19 World Championships. Though the team earlier defeated the US (for the first US loss ever in the tournament), Canada fell to the US in the finals in Turku, Finland. http://www.insidehalton.com/sports/article/1493130--silver-lining-for-lindsay-as-he-begins-college-career

Jay Lindsay '16 helped Team Canada win the Silver Medal in the U19 World Championships in Turku, Finland.

-Geoff Shannon and Ty Xanders of Inside Lacrosse reported that rising junior midfielder Mike Calvagna '18 has committed to SB, while also considering Ohio State, Marquette, Penn State and Michigan:

You can find more information from Joe Lombardi at LaxLessons, including a interview and profile for Mike Calvagna '18: http://www.laxlessons.com/2012/07/07/calvagna-tristates-premier-faceoff-specialists-selects-stony-brook/

After finishing his sophomore year, Joe Lombardi refers to Mike Calvagna '18 as one of the "premier faceoff specialists in the region".

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