

-SB Lacrosse held its annual intrasquad scrimmage on Homecoming 2012:  

Freshman Challen Rogers '16 (left) carries the ball during the intrasquad scrimmage.

The new roster includes 19 new faces, 18 of which are freshmen: 

Freshman goalkeeper Dan Shaughnessy '16 (center) makes a save.

Following the scrimmage, Coach Nagle invited alumni to address the team in a career seminar.  Volunteers Jeff Capri '89, Will Imhof '96, Tristram Gillen '02, Matt Campolettano '02, Frank Barile '02, and Sean Chamberlain '07 spoke to the team and shared their experiences:

Tristram Gillen '02 addresses the varsity during the career seminar.  A former college lacrosse coach, Gillen is currently a professional sales training manager.

The alumni universally stressed the importance of academics, internships, and building a network of contacts.

Will Imhof '96 spoke about his experiences as a teacher and coach.  Imhof is a former player, team captain, and also coached SB Lacrosse.

The alumni also advised the team on what mistakes to avoid, how to build a network, and how to create opportunities.

Jeff Capri '89 finished his degree in Health Sciences and became a teacher and a restaurateur.

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