

-Laxpower posted the 2012 America East honors here: http://www.laxpower.com/laxnews/news.php?story=35290&page=2

Midfielders Jeff Tundo '13 (foreground), Challen Rogers '16 (back), and Chris Hughes '16 (left) were all honored by the AE.  Tundo was named to the AE First Team both in 2012 and 2013.  

SB Athletics also covered the awards here: http://www.goseawolves.org/sports/m-lacros/spec-rel/050113aab.html

Freshman Challen Rogers '16 was named to both the AE Second Team and the AE All Rookie Team.

The full listing of awards are below:

AE First Team
Jeff Tundo '13 (mid)
Bryan Judge '15 (def)

AE Second Team
Challen Rogers '16 (mid)
JJ Laforet '13 (lsm)

AE All Rookie Team
Brody Eastwood '16 (att)
Chris Hughes '16 (mid)
Challen Rogers '16 (mid)

Senior captain JJ Laforet '13 was named to the AE Second Team.  Laforet scored 4 goals, picked up 31 ground balls, and caused 13 turnovers in only 8 games this year.

The America East posted video highlights of the honored players here: http://www.americaeast.com/ViewArticle.dbml?DB_OEM_ID=14000&ATCLID=207505665

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