

-National League Lacrosse featured Kyle Belton '12 in an interview on his rookie season with the Toronto Rock and scoring his first NLL goal: http://www.nll.com/news_article/show/278164?referrer_id=389128

Kyle Belton '12 (left) attributes his entrance into pro lacrosse to his experiences at SB.

-Inside Lacrosse reported that Major League Lacrosse named Kevin Crowley '11 the MLL Player of the Year: http://www.insidelacrosse.com/news/2013/08/22/2013-mll-championship-central

Kevin Crowley '11 said of the award: "This also says a lot about my teammates. Having defenses shut teams down allowing us on the offense to score goals is very important and I owe all of them a big thanks."

-Casey Vock of Inside Lacrosse interviewed Nationals coach Dave Cottle on Kevin Crowley '11 winning the MLL MVP, stating that Crowley: "... deserves it... has worked extremely hard and already looks like a future MLL Hall of Fame candidate in just his third season.": http://www.insidelacrosse.com/news/2013/08/22/nationals-players-staff-forge-new-identity

You can find the entire MLL 2013 All-Pro Team from Laxpower here: http://www.laxpower.com/laxnews/news.php?story=36024

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