

-The Fight for Edward is only halfway complete and the Organization would like to thank the alums and the SB Lacrosse community for its contribution.  You can still contribute to the cause of Ed DeLaura '00 by clicking here: http://www.booster.com/edwarddelaura13 

The Fight for Edward has been a resounding success, meeting 80% of its goal only halfway through the fundraiser.

Since undergoing surgery, Ed DeLaura '00 has now been diagnosed with Glioma, a form of brain cancer.  Currently, the tumors are low-grade, however, it is likely to increase to high-grade soon.  Ed is facing a difficult future and more chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery.  Nevertheless, Ed has remained in good spirits and would like to thank the alumni for their support.

Coach Nagle and the team have created a get well soon video for Ed that you can find here: 

Click on the image above to see Coach Nagle and the varsity send a get well message to Ed DeLaura '00.

Please spread the word for Ed's cause.  All funds raised will go directly to Ed and his family.  Alumni are free to purchase as many towels as they like.  Please also forward on to anyone who may be interested in contributing.

If you are interested in contacting Ed directly, please email the Webmaster.  

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