

-Former SB Lacrosse attackman Ed DeLaura '00 has fallen ill and needs your support.  Ed has suddenly contracted Leukocytoclastic Vasculitis, an autoimmune disease.

Ed has been taking the necessary steps to get better by regularly visiting his doctors and frequent trips to the hospital.  Ed's doctors have since discovered two brain tumors, one of which is inoperable.  Ed will undergo surgery for removal in early September.  

Ed was still actively playing lacrosse recently with other SB alumni, until his diagnosis with LV.  Ed and his wife Victoria have launched The Fight for Edward, an effort to raise funds and awareness for LV and for Ed's treatment.  

Ed is a mainstay at all SB Lacrosse alumni events and regularly contributes to the program.  Ed also appears at all Alumni Games and suits up.  Ed now needs your help to offset the costs of surgery and post-surgery chemotherapy.  

Here is your chance to support a fellow alumnus- you can make a donation of $35 and receive a towel to raise awareness for LV.  Towels will be mailed out approximately in mid-October. http://www.booster.com/edwarddelaura13

Please click on the image above to make a donation to support Ed DeLaura '00.

All funds raised will go directly to Ed and his cause. Alumni are free to purchase as many towels as they like.  Please also forward on to anyone who may be interested in contributing.

You can help Ed DeLaura '00 and his wife Victoria with their cause by clicking on the photo above and contributing to The Fight for Edward.

Please contact the Webmaster immediately if you have any questions or if you are willing to do more.  The Organization will need volunteers to help spread the word and rally for Ed's cause.

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