

-At Homecoming 2013, Coach Nagle organized the 2013 Career Seminar, in which various SB Lacrosse alumni addressed the team on planning for their future.  The Organization would like to thank the following alums for speaking: Frank C. Barile '02, Matt Campolettano '02, Kevin Shea '03, Greg Taylor '98, and Jim Hughes '93.  Photos are below:

Greg Taylor '98, a school teacher and head coach of Suffolk Community Lacrosse, lectured the team on the importance of confidence and career choices.

This marks the second year of the Career Seminar, which has been a resounding success.  The coaching staff and the team have delivered positive feedback to the alumni who have participated. 

Former attackman Kevin Shea '03 spoke about his experiences in graduate school, the military, and the police force.

The Career Seminar was held in the Goldstein Academic Center in the SB Sports Complex.  Afterward, the team gave the alumni a tour of the Dubin Center and the SB Arena construction.

Matt Campolettano '02 emphasized the importance of studies, graduate school, and networking.

The Organization would like to thank Coach Nagle and his staff for organizing the event and also the team for attending.  

Alums interested in speaking next year should contact the Webmaster.

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